The Chance Magazine | Red Storm Laboratory

The Chance Magazine

weekly magazine

The leader of the free weekly periodicals in Siberia (Russia), “The Chance” magazine has more than 1 million copies distributed monthly (4 issues per month).

Having more than 100 pages per issue, magazine consists of clever combination of comprehensive TV guide, well organized classifieds and consumer-friendly editorials properly mixed with advertisement.

From 2007 and until now I’m employed by the owner and publisher of The Chance Magazine – UNITMEDIA Group (Russia) as Creative Director and Chief Design Officer and in charge of corporation’s design initiatives across print, web and TV.

Between 2008 and 2010 I also served as a web team manager with responsibility for all web projects of UNITMEDIA Group.





  • Editorials & Cover Design 100%
  • UI / UX Design 95%
  • Team Management 70%
  • Marketing Initiatives 70%

The Challenge

Back in 2007 the main task was to convert A3 newspaper to A4 magazine. Changes needed to be done on all levels – from structural, such as putting together a new team of journalists, designers and sales managers to pure design endeavors.

In addition to pure printed materials, web presence also needed to be established in a form of regular website and then – mobile app.

The Solution

Since then, 4 generations of the magazine has been presented to the public in 9 years – all as the answer to ever-challenging publishing marked and very demanding readers and advertisers.

On me: as Creative Director of the media holding UNITMEDIA Group, LLC, owner and published of the magazine – layout grid design, editorials design, cover design, UI design, UX design, team management, staffing, marketing collateral and initiative development.

Home Page


Real Estate Section


Readers Contest Page


Classifieds Section


Classifieds Calculator


Mobile Website












+ much more than I can say

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